I Can Read the Prayers in Hebrew TM

Animated Prayers

Prayer is a universal way for your soul to communicate with a higher power.
It is your own private conversation with G-d. We pray to ask for help.
We pray to receive and to be able to give. We pray for answers.
Before we eat we pray that our food will nourish us in body and spirit. Before
we sleep, we pray that we will be watched over and protected through the night.

I Can Read the Prayers in Hebrew TM
is a beginner reading program that features over 220 Sabbath and Daily Prayers and Blessings. View Program Menu. Easy to use, it is guaranteed to help you achieve your goals and boost your confidence in reading Hebrew pratically overnight!

With this program you can select any Prayer or Blessing and learn to read it in Hebrew, with the help of pronunciation and transliteration. Every syllable is highlighted, pronounced and transliterated. The printout capabilities and options are very useful for learning to read the Prayers in Hebrew when you are not at your computer. Transliteration Printout Sample

I Can Read the Prayers in Hebrew TM can be used by virtually anyone who would like to learn to read Hebrew and feel a part of their Jewish heritage and community.

You are invited to Download the complete program
and run it up to 5 times for FREE while evaluating.

Win 95/98/Me/2000/NT/XP/VISTA

Price: $29.95